
Imagine if you went to McDonald's a lot and ordered a Big Mac Combo meal. A Big Mac, Large Fries and a Coke. You really like this meal. One day, you pull up to the drive through and order the Big Mac Combo meal and the girl tells you, "I'm sorry - you can have the Big Mac and the Coke, but you can't get fries with that anymore." You think about this for a moment, and sure - the Big Mac is the centerpiece of the meal, but McDonald's has some really good fries and you like their fries with your meal. So you say, "I've been able to get fries with that before, why can't I have fries with my Big Mac combo anymore?" The girls says, "Well, I just think it is better if you only have the Big Mac and the Coke from here on out."

At this point, a lot of guys are going to go to Wendy's or BK and see if they can get fries with their combo at that drive through window. But there are some guys who REALLY like McDonald's Big Macs and they might think, "If I keep coming here and ordering the Big Mac and Coke, maybe she'll change her mind and give me some fries with that later." So they will keep on getting the combo without the fries until the deal breaker happens: One day that guy is going to order the Big Mac and Coke and then he's going to pull up a little bit to pay, and someone else is going to pull up to the drive through speaker and order the "Big Mac Combo" and he is going to hear the girl say, "Would you like fries with that?"

That's why guys don't like to be friends with a girl who breaks up with them.




什么机缘巧合下加入三七? 答:引用一下宋代词人辛弃疾的《青玉案·元夕》中的一句:众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。 过去的10年用简短的几个字形容一下? 答:成长与感恩 是什么促使你在三七工作10 ...


虽然是1月份上映的电影,但是一直没去看,除了没有时间以外还有一个重要的因为就是觉得会是一个老套的新白娘子传奇故事。不过随着不少人的安利推荐,不由得引起了我的好奇心,恰好在爱奇艺和腾讯视频上已经可以 ...


经常说读千卷书,行万里路。也就是说经常到外面的世界走走有时候比读书更重要。然后现在的我们,似乎越来越不想出门,而是宅在自己认为安宁舒适的小空间内…… 有人说,一个人的衰老,是从不再旅行开始。 也有人问 ...


一年过的真快啊,转眼之间我都快抓不住2018年的尾巴了…… 今天又收到了2018年的年度人才盘点邮件,要测试什么MBTI职业性格.突然想到去年貌似测试了DISC工作风格,就翻了一下邮箱看看以前的测试结果,似乎还有那么一点 ...

